
Saturday, July 17, 2010

Selena Gomez: Beach Bunny Beautiful

Selena Gomez was spotted at the Beach Bunny Swimwear 2011 fashion show during Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Swim at the Raleigh in Miami.

The 17-year-old actress brought cousin Priscilla along for the show and chatted it up with the Kardashian sisters.


  1. those were the best pics of the week ever would you like to appear on rolling rppids

  2. I love Selena Gomez I cant believe that people on you tube make videos saying I hate Selena Gomez
    she is the best singer ever she is pretty aswell I she is I want to be like when I grow up so famous!!

  3. Selena gomez is just a sweet girl & a amazing singer
