
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Emma Roberts Covers Sugar UK Magazine

Emma Roberts rakes the June 2010 cover of Sugar UK magazine.
Do you hate ex-boyfriend Alex Pettyfer?: 'No comment on Alex Pettyfer.' So, was he really mean? 'You know it's hard when you have a relationship that's amazing then the other persona deliberately does things to hurt you. I keep thinking about the good times, they were great. But then you think of the bad times and they were bad. Relationships are hard enough. I don't think actors should go out with each other. I think there's only room for one actor-ego in a relationship. Oh, and a note to every girl out there, do not date a model. Ever. That's my advice. Give them a kiss, sure, but do not date them!'

Anyone reacted badly to your fame?: 'There have been plenty of bithcy girls. In the past few years. I've had to get rid of so many girlfriends. I think if you're going to say something about someone behind their back, it has to be something you'd be willing to say to their face. Otherwise, it's just bitchy and not cool. I've had a lot of problems with girls. You think someone's your best friends and then they
suddenly go off with a person who did something bad to you. It's always really hard, but it's good in a way because you learn who your true friends are.'


  1. Ok that is really mean of her, we all know that she cheated on Alex, so i doubt he was mean to her!
    She is a complete bitch - who does she think she is?

  2. anthony goldman thinks emma roberts is a cunt whore who sucks dick

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  5. Actually its common knowledge that Alex Pettyfer is a complete c*nt.

  6. There's this thing called proof reading. You should try it some time.

  7. Regardless of who it is to blame for the end of their relationship, it's NEVER cool to talk about other people behind their backs, especially if it's on a magazine....

    Totally undermines her comment about how she thought having people talk behind her back was bitchy and not cool. Hypocrite much?

  8. hahahahahah this Jake and Vienna split. She's totally pulling a Vienna right now. Looks like Alex has the more class since he's not doing a Jake.

  9. okay that was just mean i use to love her but now shes just being a jerk theres no need to be bitter.

  10. Wow that was mature of her. . .not! She needs to grow up seriously!

  11. Wow....I like her. Sounds like we would make good friends. Hate chicks and bitches, say shit to people's face, and wanna just sleep around with the hot guys until we find a nerdy mr perfect :D She's not a bitch or a cunt, she's just honest and probably hurt

  12. she cheated on Alex, damn her!!

  13. I like them both, guess they just werent meant for each other dont think that makes either of the c**ts, meh just my opinion :)
